Hey, they said it... not me!
I reckon you might be considered in that league if you've been around as long as I have and survived as many publishing disasters. The big question is: do I feel legendary? And the resounding answer would be: heck no! It's hard to feel very legendary when you have to drag yourself out of bed at 3AM to go to work and drag home ten hours later, reeking of oil, grease, and raw steel. But if they want to say that, well, I'll humbly endure it and grin like a persimmon-eating possum. Of course, if my head begins to swell too big, my wife is always within earshot to stick the pin in the balloon with requests like "Mr. Legend, could you please plunge that turd out of the commode?" or "It's time to take the garbage to the dump, your Royal Hind-Endness."
If you'd like to hear what ol' Legendary Ron has in the works these days, you can head on over to Mark Justice's excellent Pod of Horror at Horror World. There, I talk about a variety of topics: my upcoming books, how my religious beliefs effect my horror writing, and the long-awaited unveiling of the true identity of "Publisher X"... the forthcoming publisher of the Essential Ronald Kelly Collection. You can also chuckle in amusement as I drawl and twang like a backwoods hillbilly wired on Red Bull.
And always remember, if you see me on the street, I'm never too legendary to sign books, shake your hand, or kiss your ugly baby.