As you folks may know by now, Ol' Ron just loves Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine. I loved it when it was out on the newstands when I was a kid and religiously read it every month. In turn, its essence still remains within me with each word of Southern-Fried horror I write. I've penned several posts on the Southern-Fried & Horrified blog in tribute to FMOF... both to the magazine itself and the man who founded and edited it for the majority of its duration, the late Forrest J. Ackerman, or Uncle Forry to his horror-loving nephews and nieces.
So how did you think it made me feel when the literary editor of the new Famous Monsters website contacted me and asked to arrange an interview. Why as proud as peacock and downright surprised! So Peter Schwotzer came up with some very insightful and fun questions, which ended up as one of the best interviews I've done since returning to the horror genre. And, in the wake of CD's announcement of my two books Midnight Grinding and Hell Hollow, it is now up and live at the FMOF website.
You can check it out here: http://famousmonstersoffilmland.com/category/news
The folks at Famous Monsters are on top of all the news that has to do with the horror and science fiction industry -- books, films, etc. -- so they make frequent posts as exciting news breaks. So if my interview isn't at the top of the page, just scroll down, or check the sidebar to your right to find its listing.
Again, a very special thanks to Peter and the folks at Famous Monsters for making another one of my dreams come true... to finally appear beneath the gruesome banner of FAMOUS MONSTERS!
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