Hypericon 5, a very popular convention of "speculative fiction" down here in the middle Tennessee area, will be taking place on June 5th through 7th in Nashville. The genres of horror, science fiction, and fantasy all pretty much share the bill here, but there seems to be an overwhelming line-up of strictly horror authors and artists scheduled this year. I urge all of you who can possibly attend this event to do so, since it is a terrific way to meet your favorite folks in the horror genre, be it writers, artists, or small press publishers.
Brian Keene will be the Author Guest of Honor this year, along with the talented Steven Gilberts as Artist Guest of Honor. Other guests include: Bryan Smith, Scott Nicholson, Deborath LeBlanc, Steven Shrewsbury, Maurice Broaddus, Wrath James White, Matthew Warner, Alex McVey, Deena Warner, and others. Of course, I'll be there, too, as I have for the past couple of years. I'll be on several horror and writing related panels, and will be having a couple of book signings as well. I'll have plenty of copies of Midnight Grinding and Other Twilight Terrors and The Sick Stuff on hand, as well as a few rare copies of Flesh Welder in case you didn't have a chance of picking up a copy back in 2008. Also I'll be bringing Alex McVey's original cover painting of Hell Hollow for all to see.
Hypericon 5 is taking place at the Days Inn Stadium and rooms are still available at a very reasonable rate. Registration for the entire weekend is a mere $35. Believe me, if you can possibly make it, it would be well worth your while. For more information, check out www.hypericon.info. Hope to see you there!
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